
Welcome back to the ShitOps engineering blog! Today, we are going to dive into an incredibly innovative solution to the age-old problem of Site-2-Site connectivity. The traditional methods involving mesh VPNs and Cloudflare just don’t cut it anymore in our fast-paced ecosystem. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce our cutting-edge approach that leverages blockchain technology and the power of Apple Watch to create a truly decentralized and secure network infrastructure.

The Problem Statement

As our company continues to expand globally, the need for seamless and secure communication between different sites has become more critical than ever. The existing mesh VPN solutions are cumbersome to manage, expensive to maintain, and often prone to security vulnerabilities. Additionally, relying solely on Cloudflare for network protection no longer provides the level of security we require in today’s cyber threat landscape.

The Solution: Blockchain-Powered Apple Watch Mesh VPNs

Our revolutionary solution combines the principles of blockchain technology with the convenience of wearable devices to establish a secure and decentralized network infrastructure. By utilizing Hyperledger as a distributed ledger platform, we can ensure the immutability and transparency of all network transactions.

Step 1: Establishing Peer-to-Peer Connections

To initiate the Site-2-Site connectivity, each site will be equipped with Apple Watches embedded with a custom-built application that enables secure communication through WebSocket protocol. These Apple Watches will act as the authentication nodes for establishing peer-to-peer connections between the sites.

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Node Node --> [*]

Step 2: Deploying NixOS Instances for Network Configuration

Next, we will deploy NixOS instances on all network devices within each site to ensure consistent and reproducible network configurations. This will eliminate any discrepancies in the network setup and simplify the management of our infrastructure.

flowchart LR A[Apple Watch Mesh VPN] --> B(NixOS Deployment)

Step 3: Implementing Cross-Site Communication with Mesh VPN

Using the blockchain network established through Hyperledger, we will create a decentralized network mesh that allows secure communication across different sites. Each Apple Watch will serve as a trusted node in the mesh VPN, ensuring encrypted data transmission and real-time monitoring of network activity.

Step 4: Leveraging Apple Watch Biometrics for Enhanced Security

Incorporating biometric authentication capabilities of Apple Watch, we can further enhance the security of our network by requiring fingerprint or heart rate verification for access to sensitive information. This multi-factor authentication method adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

Step 5: Cloud Storage Integration for Data Backups

To ensure data integrity and availability, we will integrate cloud storage services into our network infrastructure. This will allow us to securely backup and store critical network data, such as configuration files and logs, in a redundant and scalable environment.

Step 6: Continuous Monitoring and Optimization with CCNP Experts

Our team of certified CCNP professionals will oversee the network operations, monitoring for any anomalies or performance issues. Through real-time analysis and optimization, we can proactively address any potential bottlenecks or security threats, ensuring the stability and efficiency of our network ecosystem.


By embracing the latest advancements in blockchain technology and wearable devices, we have developed a truly innovative solution to the challenges of Site-2-Site connectivity. Our blockchain-powered Apple Watch mesh VPNs offer a secure, decentralized, and efficient network infrastructure that is tailored to the needs of our growing company.

Stay tuned for more updates on our groundbreaking projects here at ShitOps! Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a more secure and connected future.