
At ShitOps, we often face complex challenges that require cutting-edge solutions. Recently, our team was tasked with creating a realistic sound simulation for a washing machine prototype. Our client required an accurate representation of sound produced by the machine during its various cycles.

As engineers, we took up this challenge with enthusiasm and creativity. Our solution may seem over-engineered to those unfamiliar with our methods, but we are confident that it will meet our client’s expectations. In this post, we will share how we used the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 to revolutionize sound simulation.

The Problem

The sound that a washing machine makes during its different cycles is complex and dynamic. Early attempts at simulating this sound involved manual recording and processing. However, this method proved to be too time-consuming and inaccurate.

We needed a solution that could reliably and accurately simulate the sound produced by the washing machine across its various cycles. We considered traditional sound simulation tools used in the industry, but they were not suitable for our requirements. These solutions did not provide the accuracy and flexibility needed for our project.

The Solution

Our team decided to use the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 to create a custom sound simulator that met our client’s requirements. We selected the Galaxy Z Flip 4 because of its innovative hinge design and powerful processing capabilities.

We started by connecting the Galaxy Z Flip 4 to a custom-built sound recording device. This device was designed specifically for this project and used high-end microphones to capture detailed sound data from the washing machine. We then used Nmap to scan for available network devices and Netbox to manage IP addresses.

The recorded sound data was then analyzed using a custom sound processing tool that we developed in-house. This tool uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to identify different sound patterns produced by the washing machine. These patterns were then matched to corresponding cycles of the washing machine to create an accurate simulation.

To simulate the sound, we created a custom app that runs on the Galaxy Z Flip 4. This app takes inputs from the user about the washing machine cycle selected and generates a realistic sound simulation that accurately represents the sound produced by the machine during that cycle.

Technical Details

To create the custom sound simulator, we used a mix of hardware and software solutions. The hardware component included the custom-built sound recording device and the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 smartphone. The software component involved creating custom apps and developing advanced sound processing algorithms that run on the Galaxy Z Flip 4.

The sound processing algorithm was built on top of Python and leverages deep learning techniques to accurately identify sound patterns. It can detect sound patterns even in noisy environments, making it ideal for our sound simulation project. The app was developed using React Native, which allowed us to build a powerful cross-platform app that runs seamlessly on the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4.


Our custom sound simulator has revolutionized the way we approach sound simulation projects at ShitOps. With this solution, we were able to deliver an accurate and realistic sound simulation that met our client’s requirements. The simulator is easy to use, allowing users to select different washing machine cycles and obtain accurate sound simulations for each of them.

This project has given us a deeper understanding of the power of AI algorithms and the importance of choosing the right hardware to support complex engineering projects. We are proud of the innovative solution we have developed and look forward to applying our learnings to future projects.


At ShitOps, we strive to find innovative solutions to complex engineering challenges. Our custom sound simulator for the washing machine project is a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation. By using cutting-edge technology like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4, we were able to create a solution that exceeded our client’s expectations.

We are confident that our solution can be applied to other sound simulation projects with similar requirements. We hope that this project inspires other engineers to think creatively and push the boundaries of what is possible. Remember, sometimes the most innovative solutions come from thinking outside the box!

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Create_Device Create_Device --> Connect_Device Connect_Device --> Record_Sound Record_Sound --> Process_Sound Process_Sound --> Create_App Create_App --> Generate_Simulation Generate_Simulation --> [*]