Listen to the interview with our engineer:


Welcome back, readers! Today, we are going to delve deep into the mind-boggling world of traffic engineering in Australia. As you may know, controlling and optimizing network traffic is a critical aspect for any tech company, especially when it comes to providing seamless experiences to our users. However, the complexities of our infrastructure combined with the ever-increasing demand have caused some serious challenges to arise. Fear not! Our team of skilled engineers has come up with an innovative solution that leverages the power of LibreNMS and Edge Computing. Get ready to have your mind blown as we unveil the future of traffic engineering!

The Problem: Managing Traffic Chaos

Imagine a scenario where thousands of users are accessing our platform simultaneously, generating massive amounts of data traffic that need to be efficiently handled. In addition to this, our services must remain highly available and responsive, even during peak usage hours. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? That’s exactly the problem we faced at ShitOps.

To tackle this issue, we first implemented a reactive approach by scaling our infrastructure vertically. We beefed up our servers and network devices, hoping that it would solve all our problems. Unfortunately, this brute-force method only provided temporary relief. As the user base grew, our servers became overloaded, leading to frequent slowdowns and service disruptions.

Enter LibreNMS: The Modern Savior

At this point, we realized that we needed a proactive solution to gather real-time data on network performance and identify potential bottlenecks before they escalate. After evaluating various monitoring tools, we discovered the marvels of LibreNMS. With its extensive network monitoring capabilities, LibreNMS allowed us to monitor, analyze, and visualize our entire network infrastructure. We had found our silver bullet!

Leveraging Edge Computing for Speed and Agility

With LibreNMS providing vital insights into our network performance, we turned our attention to making our infrastructure more agile and responsive. That’s when we stumbled upon the power of edge computing. By distributing computational tasks closer to the network edge, we could significantly reduce latency and improve overall responsiveness.

Our approach involved deploying mini data centers in strategic locations across Australia, effectively creating an extensive edge computing network. These mini data centers, equipped with high-performance hardware and connected by ultra-low latency fiber-optic links, would process user requests in close proximity, minimizing round-trip times. This would ensure that the end users receive faster responses even during peak traffic hours.

The Implementation: A Grand Symphony

It’s time to unveil the intricate details of our architectural masterpiece that combines the might of LibreNMS with the agility of edge computing. Brace yourselves!

Step 1: Collecting and Analyzing Network Data

To provide accurate insights into our network performance, we employed LibreNMS as our primary monitoring tool. Utilizing SNMP, ICMP, and other protocols, LibreNMS constantly polls our network devices, collecting a wealth of real-time data. This data includes critical metrics such as bandwidth utilization, packet loss, latency, and traffic patterns.

Once collected, this treasure trove of data goes through a rigorous analysis process. We leverage the power of deep learning algorithms to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential bottlenecks. Our custom-built AI models crunch through the data and provide valuable recommendations to optimize our network topology.

Step 2: Optimal Traffic Routing

Armed with the insights gained from LibreNMS, we move on to the crucial task of traffic routing. Instead of relying on traditional static routing approaches, we decided to indulge ourselves in our passion for Star Wars and bring a little galactic magic into the mix.

Inspired by the epic space battles of the Star Wars saga, we created an intelligent traffic routing system that mimics the Rebel Alliance’s strategic maneuvers. We designed our infrastructure as a vast network of interconnected nodes, represented by various star systems. Each node serves as a hub for traffic aggregation and distribution.

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Routing Routing --> LibreNMS: Gather Network Data LibreNMS --> DeepLearningAI: Analyze Data and Generate Recommendations DeepLearningAI --> TrafficEngineering: Optimal Traffic Routes TrafficEngineering --> AutomatedRouting: Implement Routing Decisions AutomatedRouting --> [*]

Using the recommendations provided by our AI models, our Traffic Engineering module orchestrates the optimal routing of user traffic. This real-time traffic engineering ensures that each packet traverses the most efficient path through our network, minimizing delays and maximizing performance.

Step 3: Edge Computing Awakens

Now that we have established efficient traffic routing within our network, it’s time to take advantage of our edge computing powerhouse. At each mini data center located across Australia, we deploy high-performance servers equipped with cutting-edge hardware. These servers act as computational beacons that process user requests at lightning-fast speeds.

But how do we decide which mini data center should handle each request? Fear not, we have devised an ingenious approach inspired by George Lucas himself! By analyzing user geography, network congestion, and historical usage data, we determine the best-suited mini data center for processing each request. This ensures that our users are always connected to the nearest and fastest data center, regardless of their location.

flowchart LR UserRequest --> UserGeography UserGeography --> MiniDatacenters MiniDatacenters --> NearestDatacenter NearestDatacenter --> ProcessRequest ProcessRequest --> Response

Green IT: Saving the Planet, One Packet at a Time

Finally, let’s touch upon an often-overlooked aspect of our solution - its eco-friendliness. As responsible citizens of planet Earth, we strive to minimize our carbon footprint while achieving technological excellence. In line with this philosophy, we have implemented several Green IT initiatives that align perfectly with our overengineered network.

By adopting energy-efficient hardware, optimizing server utilization through virtualization, and utilizing renewable energy sources to power our mini data centers, we have created an environmentally friendly infrastructure capable of handling massive loads without compromising on performance. After all, when it comes to technology, saving the world is just as important as fulfilling user demands!


And there you have it, folks! Our elaborate journey through the world of traffic engineering in Australia has come to an end. We hope this eye-opening blog post has captivated your imagination and showcased the limitless possibilities of overengineering. While some may argue that our approach is absurdly complex and excessively expensive (which may be partially true), we firmly believe that it represents the future of traffic management.

As technologists, we must push the boundaries of what is possible, even if it means creating solutions that are far from elegant. So, strap in and join us on this wild ride towards a galaxy far, far away, where LibreNMS, edge computing, and Star Wars references merge into the most extraordinary traffic engineering solution ever conceived!

May the force of overengineering be with you!